

Magnetic band and chip card reader for smartphones (iOS and Android) with 3.5mm interface for headphone/microphone.

$500 pesos + tax + shipping

If you have a folio, you can purchase a device or send the deposit receipt, enter folio here:

Paso 1. Registro
Paso 2. Pago

Register an account in IsyPay

Please enter your details and read and accept our Terms & Conditions. We will perform a credit check before your account is created. We promise to keep your details private and confidential but will verify them using external information sources. You are just two steps to get in IsyPay community!

Account Details

These will be your log-in details.

Password must have next rules:

  • At least one letter
  • At least un número
  • Only numbers and letters
  • Must have over 6 characters

Business Details

Indicates the data of your company.

Business Type

Please select your business type.

Legal Entitie

Indicates the data of your company..

Data from the administrator

Indicates the data of the owner or administrator of the company.

     Check your CURP here

This is the account where we will deposit your money.


If you have a salesman code (CV), type here:


If you have a gift folio, type here:


How you find us:



By clicking "Submit" certify that I, as an authorized representative of the company, have provided the information given above, and that they are true and correct; I also accept the charge and shipping of the device to my account registered.

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